# When do we start the feature process?
Definition of a feature request:
* Something that the product was not designed to do today.
- e.g. request to add KernelCare support for the new Debian 99 platform - that is not listed in patches.kernelcare.com.
- e.g., add a new package to the ELS subscription.
In case of a new feature request, please submit it here: https://features.tuxcare.com
* Below is an example of a bad feature request, i.e. not a feature request:
- I have live patching on RHEL8 and this new RHEL8 kernel is listed as Unsupported.
In case of technical issues, please search for solutions at https://tuxcare.com/support-portal/ or contact our Support Team (or Account Managers for our Enterprise customers).
# How to submit a feature request?
- Submit your idea: https://features.tuxcare.com
- In your message please use two sections: Problem and Solution. First explains the problem you are facing, and in the "solution" section please explain what you see today as a solution. Using this template in your feature request will allow us to understand your needs better.
** Problem **
- I need to identify all the decommissioned systems in my ePortal setup to remove them from being tracked by ePortal.
** Solution **
- Please add a command or page to ePortal that allows me to quickly identify and delete these systems.
- Identify the importance of the feature request for you by choosing the appropriate button: "Nice-to-have", "Important", or "Critical".
# How is a feature request processed?
Feature requests that are selected for validation by Product Management will be listed in features.tuxcare.com in the "Under consideration" section. This is not an automatic process and not all ideas are vetted or listed.
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